Creatures from the blue lagoon

By John Dearing. As published on The Archer, June 2011

Long Lane Pasture's first event of the year was a Pond Life day on 16 April. It was a bright, clear morning and there was a good turnout of people of all ages who came to enjoy the pasture and some of its flora and fauna. On hand to present some of the amphibian inhabitants was a personable young man called Joshua.

Creatures from the blue lagoon

Some of the visitors had fun by naming the stars of the show, so we met Justin the Frog, Thomas the Toad and Sydney the Slow Worm (who, incidentally is neither a worm nor a snake, but is a legless lizard) plus quite a number of newts and tadpoles.

Those of a more reflective nature could enjoy the view from the seat at the top of the bank, or gaze into the water of the pond made blue by the sky.