New fence and new fox at Long Lane Pasture

As published on The Archer, February 2010

The Friends of Long Lane Pasture are reporting great progress on a number of major projects and the arrival of even more wildlife.

Firstly, the dilapidated footpath fence alongside the pasture has been replaced with a new 100-metre fence, which is strong and secure and provides a second gate onto the pasture at the railway bridge end. The fence was purchased with the aid of a grant from the City Bridge Trust.

This new gate leads on to an area at the top of the embankment with a splendid view over Finchley and there are plans to provide a vista sign here pointing out local landmarks.

The existing hard-standing path at the Long Lane end of the Pasture has been resurfaced, making it much smoother and easier for pushchairs and wheelchairs.

Bluebells and birdfeeders

One thousand native English bluebells have been planted next to the main entrance gate near the Fire Station. During the planting, an old horse harness was unearthed, a relic from days when horses and ponies grazed on the land.

The pasture had its annual mow, with the cut grass piles providing a good habitat for many creatures, including small mammals. Resident fox Foxy Boy is no longer around but another very shy fox with a distinguishing pale tail may have taken over his territory.

Many visitors have seen a heron in or next to the large pond. Lots of goldfinches have feasted on the teasel seeds and a bird feeding station has been set up, which is proving very popular with blue tits and robins.

Helpers welcome

Poor weather has forced the trustees to close the pasture to visitors until March. Work parties, however, will continue to take place on Saturday mornings from 10am to 12 noon and more helpers of any age and ability (with waterproof footwear) are very welcome.

For more information, including a photo gallery of the pasture through the seasons, visit